85 research outputs found

    Brand Experience Proposition: Bridging Branding and Service Design

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    Brands exist at the intersection between the meaning proposition made by the organization, and customer’s perceptions. For the company, the brand is a proposition, a promise of a future experience; for the customer, the brand is the outcome of their experiences with the brand touchpoints. Brand and Customer Experience are therefore essentially connected. In that context, Service Design may provide the means to support the development of the interactions through which the customers experience the brand. Conversely, Service Design can also profit from branding’s link to the business strategy. Yet, a gap between Service Design and Branding literature and practice persists. This paper argues for a stronger link between Service Design and Branding, focusing on the means to use of the brand as a guide in the design process. By exploring the relation between Service Design and Branding, this paper introduces the concept of Brand Experience Proposition. Next, a systematic literature review highlights the gap between the disciples. Two case studies presenting the development and utilization of Brand Experience Proposition in Service Design follows, further supporting the concept. Finally, key activities for bridging the gap between the Brand and the Customer Experience are discussed

    10373 Abstracts Collection -- Demarcating User eXperience

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    From September 15 to 17, 2010, the Dagstuhl Seminar 10373 Demarcating user experience was held in Schloss Dagstuhl, Leibniz Center for Informatics, Germany. The goal of the seminar was to come up with a consensus on the core concepts of user experience in a form of a User Experience White Paper, which would provide a more solid grounding for the field of user experience. This paper includes the resulted User Experience White Paper and a collection of abstracts from some seminar participants

    A Case Study on Participatory Approach to Support Shift to Experience Design of Work Tools in B2B Context

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    To support the shift from technology-driven to experience-driven design in a company developing work tools (materials handling equipment), we developed and applied a participatory approach to increase awareness and buy-in of experience design and related methods at the company. We 1) present user experience (UX) design guidelines developed for both designers and managers based on the participatory process, 2) report evaluation of the guidelines with designers, developers, and selected internal and external stakeholders, and 3) present a participatory approach to create personas and experience journey maps covering the product life-cycle. SWOT analysis of the guidelines revealed that guidelines need to be understandable without expert UX knowledge, managerial support is needed that was aimed to be supported by the guidelines developed for managers, and representative user participation is needed. Participants experienced positively the applied participatory approach, and the mindset change is proceeding in the case company

    How do Software Developers Experience Team Performance in Lean and Agile Environments?

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    Context: Companies increasingly strive to adapt to market and ecosystem changes in real time. Evaluating team performance in such changing environments presents a major challenge. Objective: This paper aims to understand how software developers experience performance in a highly volatile environment. This understanding could be used as a basis for guiding formation and maintenance of high-performing teams. Method: A qualitative multiple-case study using thematic interviews was conducted with 16 experienced practitioners in five organisations. Results: We found 33 major categories of performance factors, arranged as a theoretical structure that explains how the subjects experience software team performance. Conclusions: Based on our study, software teams are engaged in a constant cycle of interpreting their performance and aligning it with other stakeholders. Enhancing performance experiences requires integration of soft factors, such as communication, team spirit, and team identity, into the overall development process.Peer reviewe

    Performance Alignment Work : How software developers experience the continuous adaptation of team performance in Lean and Agile environments

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    Context: Companies increasingly strive to adapt to market and ecosystem changes in real time. Gauging and understanding team performance in such changing environments present a major challenge. Objective: This paper aims to understand how software developers experience the continuous adaptation of performance in a modern, highly volatile environment using Lean and Agile software development methodology. This understanding can be used as a basis for guiding formation and maintenance of high-performing teams, to inform performance improvement initiatives, and to improve working conditions for software developers. Method: A qualitative multiple-case study using thematic interviews was conducted with 16 experienced practitioners in five organisations. Results: We generated a grounded theory, Performance Alignment Work, showing how software developers experience performance. We found 33 major categories of performance factors and relationships between the factors. A cross-case comparison revealed similarities and differences between different kinds and different sizes of organisations. Conclusions: Based on our study, software teams are engaged in a constant cycle of interpreting their own performance and negotiating its alignment with other stakeholders. While differences across organisational sizes exist, a common set of performance experiences is present despite differences in context variables. Enhancing performance experiences requires integration of soft factors, such as communication, team spirit, team identity, and values, into the overall development process. Our findings suggest a view of software development and software team performance that centres around behavioural and social sciences.Peer reviewe

    The Role and Potentials of Field User Interaction Data in the Automotive UX Development Lifecycle: An Industry Perspective

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    We are interested in the role of field user interaction data in the development of IVIS, the potentials practitioners see in analyzing this data, the concerns they share, and how this compares to companies with digital products. We conducted interviews with 14 UX professionals, 8 from automotive and 6 from digital companies, and analyzed the results by emergent thematic coding. Our key findings indicate that implicit feedback through field user interaction data is currently not evident in the automotive UX development process. Most decisions regarding the design of IVIS are made based on personal preferences and the intuitions of stakeholders. However, the interviewees also indicated that user interaction data has the potential to lower the influence of guesswork and assumptions in the UX design process and can help to make the UX development lifecycle more evidence-based and user-centered

    InDEx – Industrial Data Excellence

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    InDEx, the Industrial Data Excellence program, was created to investigate what industrial data can be collected, shared, and utilized for new intelligent services in high-performing, reliable and secure ways, and how to accomplish that in practice in the Finnish manufacturing industry.InDEx produced several insights into data in an industrial environment, collecting data, sharing data in the value chain and in the factory environment, and utilizing and manipulating data with artificial intelligence. Data has an important role in the future in an industrial context, but data sources and utilization mechanisms are more diverse than in cases related to consumer data. Experiences in the InDEx cases showed that there is great potential in data utili zation.Currently, successful business cases built on data sharing are either company-internal or utilize an existing value chain. The data market has not yet matured, and third-party offerings based on public and private data sources are rare. In this program, we tried out a framework that aimed to securely and in a controlled manner share data between organizations. We also worked to improve the contractual framework needed to support new business based on shared data, and we conducted a study of applicable business models. Based on this, we searched for new data-based opportunities within the project consortium. The vision of data as a tradeable good or of sharing with external partners is still to come true, but we believe that we have taken steps in the right direction.The program started in fall 2019 and ended in April 2022. The program faced restrictions caused by COVID-19, which had an effect on the intensity of the work during 2020 and 2021, and the program was extended by one year. Because of meeting restrictions, InDEx collaboration was realized through online meetings. We learned to work and collaborate using digital tools and environments. Despite the mentioned hindrances, and thanks to Business Finland’s flexibility, the extension time made it possible for most of the planned goals to be achieved.This report gives insights in the outcomes of the companies’ work within the InDEx program. DIMECC InDEx is the first finalized program by the members of the Finnish Advanced Manufacturing Network (FAMN, www.famn.fi).</p

    Internet-selailu kännykällä – käyttäjäkokemuksen piirteitä

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    The increasing importance of the web in people's daily life calls for device-independent access to existing web sites. More than two billion people have a mobile phone today, and for many of them, a mobile phone may be the only way to connect to the web. There is an order for full web access on mobile phones, but it faces several challenges and the user experience is often poor. This dissertation has its focus in the area of human-computer interaction and user experience research. The overall goal of the research has been to improve the end user experience when browsing the web with a mobile phone. Previous research has identified that the user's internal state, context, and system affect the user experience, but product development needs a more concrete and comprehensive list of attributes. To understand the user experience building blocks in the case of mobile browsing, we ran several usability studies with mobile web browsers in both a laboratory and a mobile context. We also conducted 35 contextual inquiry interviews in Finland, United States, Japan, and the United Kingdom. The studies revealed that mobile browsing user experience is affected by the user's state, context, mobile device, browser application, network infrastructure, and web sites. Identifying these characteristics composes the main contribution of this dissertation. The mobile browser development activity at Nokia serves as a case study, in which we have considered the identified attributes and aimed to create a browser that fits well into the mobile context. Our field study results and early feedback from the market have been encouraging, which shows that taking the user experience characteristics into account helps creating positive user experiences. Finally, this dissertation adduces topics for future user experience research by discussing the difference between user experience and experience in general, the effects that pricing has on the user experience, and the role of a user's expectations in evaluating the user experience.Internetin kasvava merkitys ihmisten päivittäisessä elämässä vaatii laiteriippumatonta pääsyä olemassa oleville Internet-sivustoille. Yli kahdella miljardilla ihmisellä on jo kännykkä, ja monille kännykkä saattaakin olla ainoa tapa päästä verkkopalveluihin. Webbi pitäisi tuoda kännykkään, mutta tehtävä on haasteellinen ja käyttäjäkokemus on vaarassa jäädä huonoksi. Tämä väitöskirja kuuluu ihmisen ja koneen vuorovaikutuksen sekä käyttäjäkokemuksen tutkimusalaan. Tutkimuksen yleinen päämäärä on ollut parantaa kännykällä tapahtuvan Internet-selailun käyttäjäkokemusta. Aiempien tutkimusten mukaan käyttäjän sisäinen tila, konteksti ja käytettävä järjestelmä vaikuttavat käyttäjäkokemukseen, mutta tuotekehityksessä tarvitaan konkreettisempaa ja täydellisempää listaa kokemukseen vaikuttavista osatekijöistä. Ymmärtääksemme mobiiliselailun käyttäjäkokemuksen rakennuspalikoita olemme tutkineet kännykkäselainten käytettävyyttä sekä laboratorio- että kenttäolosuhteissa. Olemme myös tehneet 35 kontekstuaalista haastattelua Suomessa, Yhdysvalloissa, Japanissa ja Isossa Britanniassa. Tutkimukset paljastivat, että kännykällä tapahtuvan Internet-selailun käyttäjäkokemukseen vaikuttavat käyttäjän tila, konteksti, mobiililaite, selain, verkkoinfrastruktuuri sekä webbisivustot. Näiden tekijöiden ja osatekijöiden tunnistaminen on tämän väitöstutkimuksen päätulos. Nokian Internet-selainkehitys älypuhelimille on esimerkkitapaus, jossa otettiin huomioon tunnistamamme käyttäjäkokemukseen vaikuttavat tekijät ja pyrittiin luomaan selain, joka täyttäisi liikkuvan käyttäjän tarpeet. Kenttätestiemme tulokset sekä alustava julkinen palaute on ollut rohkaisevaa, mikä osoittaa, että tunnistamiemme tekijöiden huomiointi auttaa positiivisen käyttäjäkokemuksen luomisessa. Lopuksi väitös käsittelee aiheita, joita käyttäjäkokemuksen tutkimus ei yleensä tuo esiin, vaikka tämän tutkimuksen perusteella ne olisi tärkeä ymmärtää: mikä ero on käyttäjäkokemuksella ja kokemuksella yleisesti, miten hinnoittelu vaikuttaa käyttäjäkokemukseen ja kuinka käyttäjän odotukset vaikuttavat käyttäjäkokemuksen arviointiin.reviewe